entry into the German
education market

Maximise your audience reach by publishing your media and apps on Edupool, the leading platform for digital educational content in German schools.

Come on board

Edupool is the largest platform for educational content in Germany with over 100,000 media and apps. Students and teachers research, stream and share content on the platform daily.

Our new feature, Edupool Marketplace, enables producers to provide high-quality media and apps directly to schools, teachers and students on a safe and secure platform

Don't miss this opportunity! Get started now and offer your media directly for sale on the Marketplace.

How to get started

Personal consultation

Contact our service team at for an initial consultation. We'll arrange a call-back to determine whether you'll be selling through your own store or via the Edupool store, clarify the product licensing process, decide if the product will be delivered from our infrastructure or your own, and establish the commercial terms.

Contact our service team ->
Add your product data

Our service team will support you to start your account, allowing you to input your product metadata, including titles, descriptions, key images, and the classifications and categories that help educators discover your products.

Upload your files, or connect via OpenID

If you are publishing video or other file-based media, you can upload this directly to our server to take advantage of our fast and robust  content delivery network. For web-based services, our team will guide you in configuring an OpenID connection, ensuring a seamless single-sign-on experience for your users.

Start selling!

Your products on the Edupool marketplace can be linked to your own store. We'll support your implementation of the license API to ensure that the products you are selling are accessible in the Edupool media library. If you do not have your own store, you can sell directly through the Edupool Marketplace.

Get started on
Edupool Marketplace

To get started, send us an email to and our service team will contact you shortly.

Contact our service team